Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 – Hair online free this coming August 8, 2010 Sunday 10:30 PM ET on HBO. The new title episode of
Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 is entitled “
Hair”. One of the most popular comedy TV series will going to show its six episodes for their seventh season will hit again this Sunday on HBO. The last week episode of
Entourage was Vince is impressed by porn star Sasha Grey and her literary knowledge, and ends up bringing her along to a meeting with Stan Lee. Suspecting that Lizzie is trying to steal his clients, Ari woos Jessica Simpson, Aaron Sorkin and Mike Tyson, but not before taking out his ire on Mrs. Ari. Turtle pitches Eric about Vince becoming the face of his new venture. Drama is anxious about his new series with John Stamos, especially after learning Bob Saget is eyeing his role. For this new episode of
Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 – Hair I’m excited to see Vince and his friends making their dream come true. After Vince got impressed by porn star Sasha Grey, Ari woos new clients and Turtle wants Vince to become the face of his new venture. Better
Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 – Hair online because more comedy, actions, and fell the excitement to be watch for this new episode of
Entourage Season 7 Episode 6. The “
Entourage Season 7 Episode 6 is written and directed by Dough Ellin.