Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 4: Tequila Sunrise Online this 25th of July and the adventure of young Hollywood actor is now about to continue as the fourth episode of
Entourage is all set. The latest episode of
Entourage follows the previous episode Dramedy where the two stars, Eric and Phil convinced Drama that he has the talent to audition for a drama set. Turtle is in trouble where his employees all gone. The
Entourage Season 7 Episode 4 is entitled “
Tequila Sunrise” and scheduled to air on Sunday, July 25, 2010. The new episode is directed by Adam Davidson and written by Doug Ellin.
Watch Entourage Season 7 Episode 4: Tequila Sunrise Online only on HBO.
Entourage Season 7 Episode 4: Tequila Sunrise Synopsis: Turtle gets a south-of-the-border business pitch from Alex, but has a hard time believing he isnʼt being used. Drama enlists Bob Saget to help him smooth out a rough first impression with John Stamos, a potential sitcom co-star. Ariʼs euphoria after making an NFL pitch to a group of Hollywood high rollers is tempered when he learns that Lizzie may be is phoning off some of his prized clients. Eric and Scott patch up their differences with an eye on Vinceʼs future – and the shared success of their company. Don’t miss this American TV Series Entourage Season 7 Episode 4: Tequila Sunrise