Sports and Entertainment Blog

My Sports and Entertainment is all about latest Sports News, Events, Upcoming Movies, TV Series, and Latest Episodes

Article directories are websites that collect articles on many different topics, ranging from Arts & Entertainment to Health to Technology. There is no standard list of categories for articles to be submitted to, so you are going to have to choose the most appropriate category on each site. During the process of article submission do not forget to consider below 5 key points. Following these points will meet the purpose of both i.e. your target audience and search engines.
  • Articles should be original and information rich.
  • Articles should be keyword rich but not excessive to the point of keyword stuffing.
  • The average length of articles should be between 500 and 700.
  • Give a unique title to your article with main keyword into it so as to make it easy for web crawlers to identify and classify the topic of your article.
  • Giving subheadings, bullets and numberings to articles make it presentable and easy to read for potential customers.

From: The Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009

