I realize that in this Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 contest at the moment is very hard. Can you imagine, I have blogwalked in more than hundreds dofollow blogs and leave my Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 link in each of its comment form, but the result is nothing. As you can see at the Inter-School SEO Contest leader board, Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 blog is still stucked nowhere. Although I am still new in this contest, but I think that’s very bad results. Besides spreading my Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 link into those kinds of dofollow blogs, I have been also helped by all of my closest friends by putting my Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 link into their blogroll and some of their articles. But in fact, it seems that there is no backlink behind. Based on that reason, I really feel that my SEO skill, especially on this Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 contest is still too far from my competitor. Well honestly speaking, I still consider myself as newbie when it comes to SEO. However, considering that this contest is still have more than 2 weeks left, I will not give up. I will start to practice my SEO knowledge in the next few days and see what will happen on the next. If there is still any a little hope, I will keep my Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 running, otherwise I will say quit if there’s still nothing happen. Let’s make a change on this Hectic Capiznon Bloggers 2009 contest.